Fluorspar- Powder, Lumps and Briquettes

Fluorspar, also known as fluorite, is a mineral composed of calcium fluoride (CaF2). Its natural form exhibits vibrant colours, making it visually appealing. It is used as a fluxing agent in steel manufacturing, aluminium production, chemical industry (hydrofluoric acid), ceramic & glass industry, fluorinated products (used in refrigeration or air conditioning) and Metallurgy (to enhance properties of certain metals).

SR Group has an export reach to countries such as Bangladesh, Nepal, Japan, Australia, Dubai regions and European Regions for quality supply of Fluorspar in Lumps Briquette or Powdered form . Their standard specs given below. For any other specs please contact our sales team.

Fluorspar Powder

There are 2 grades of Powder supplied by us, Acid Grade being higher quality and Metallurgical Grade being the lower grade baskets.

Fluorspar Powder
Particulars 97%
CaF2 97% min
Si 1.5% Max
S 0.04% Max
P 0.04% Max
Size 100/200 Mesh
Particulars 93%
CaF2 93% min
Si 3% Max
S 0.04% Max
P 0.04% Max
Size 100/200 Mesh
Particulars 90%
CaF2 90% min
Si 4.5% Max
S 0.04% Max
P 0.04% Max
Size 100/200 Mesh

Fluorspar Lumps Specifications

This is the primary form of fluorspar sourced from natural deposits from fluorite mines. It is used in diverse industry applications in the following compositions:

Fluorspar Lumps
Particulars 90%
CaF2 90% min
Si 5% Max
S 0.04% Max
P 0.04% Max
Size 10-70 mm
Particulars 80%
CaF2 80% min
Si 9% Max
S 0.04% Max
P 0.04% Max
Size 10-70 mm
Particulars 70%
CaF2 70% min
Si 18-20% Max
S 0.04% Max
P 0.04% Max
Size 10-70 mm

Fluorspar Briquettes

We are the first company in India to commission a briquetting plant for processing the powdered form of Caf2 into lumps to cater to our customers requirement. This form imparts physical hardness and thermal stability in the steel manufacturing process.

Fluorspar Briquettes
Particulars 90%
CaF2 90% min
Si 4.5% Max
S 0.04% Max
P 0.04% Max
Size 10-50 mm
Particulars 85%
CaF2 85% min
Si 6-7% Max
S 0.04% Max
P 0.04% Max
Size 10-50 mm
Particulars 80%
CaF2 80% min
Si 8-9% Max
S 0.04% Max
P 0.04% Max
Size 10-50 mm

Introduction to Fluorspar

Explore the World of Fluorspar and Its Unique Properties

Fluorspar, also known as fluorite, is a mineral composed of calcium fluoride. It is widely recognized for its colorful appearance, occurring in various shades such as purple, green, blue, and yellow. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, fluorspar holds significant importance in various industrial applications due to its distinctive properties.

The mineral has a wide range of applications, from metallurgy and chemical industries to the manufacturing of aluminum, gasoline, and uranium fuel. Let's delve into the properties and applications that make fluorspar a versatile and valuable resource.

Countries where SRC Chemicals has export presence for Fluorspar

Properties of Fluorspar

These halide minerals, characterized by their comparatively low melting point, serve as an essential flux to reduce the melting point of raw materials in the steel manufacturing process.


Fluorspar exhibits a range of vibrant colors, making it visually appealing.


The mineral is relatively soft, scoring a 4 on the Mohs hardness scale.


Fluorspar is transparent to translucent, allowing light to pass through with specific optical properties.


Some varieties of fluorspar display fluorescence under ultraviolet light, a unique characteristic used in various applications.

These properties make fluorspar (Lumps, Powder and Briquettes) a valuable resource in industries where these characteristics are leveraged for specific purposes.

Usage of Fluorspar

Discovering the Versatile Applications of Fluorspar Across Industries

Fluorspar finds applications in a variety of industries, thanks to its unique properties. Here are some notable uses of fluorspar:

1. Metallurgy

In metallurgical processes, fluorspar is used as a flux to lower the melting point of raw materials, facilitating the smelting of metals such as aluminum and steel.

2. Chemical Industry

The chemical industry utilizes fluorspar in the production of hydrofluoric acid, a crucial component in various chemical processes and products.

3. Manufacturing

Fluorspar is used in the manufacturing of aluminum, gasoline, and uranium fuel, contributing to the production of essential materials for diverse industries.

The versatile nature of fluorspar makes it a valuable resource across multiple sectors, supporting various industrial processes and applications.

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